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My name is Faith Dismuke, and my success has always started with a process initiated by a value that I hold dear. It is my pleasure to share those values with you:

Be Proactive
Early, effective communication and in-depth research prevents a lot of future problems. As a designer, I constantly search for new ways to improve productivity.

Be Trustful
As a track and field athlete, I had to trust that my Villanova University, University of Connecticut and professional coaches and teammates had my best interests at heart. Now, as a designer, my goal is to continue to gain and maintain the trust of clients, employers, colleagues and those close to me.

Be Empathetic
Telling a story involves connecting with others. Design and marketing provide the satisfaction of sharing the story of a brand, an organization or an individual. These two aspects of my life allow me to find new ways to directly or indirectly share in the experiences of diverse groups.

Be Myself
Although cliché, this value holds true. I take pride in my designs, my writing and my health and fitness. In order to help clients, friends, family and others, I have to have full understanding and acceptance of my flaws and talents. Only then can optimal collaboration and team success occur.

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Learn more about SPRINT DREAMS here

From fantasy to self-help to autobiography, many of the books that I’ve read have provided one or more lessons that have aided in my success. Some of my favorite books include:

  • 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People by Susan M. Weinschenk

  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

  • Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

  • The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey


My love of reading combined with my experience as an athlete eventually led the creation of SPRINT DREAMS. The novel, SPRINT DREAMS, is a story about a collegiate athlete who struggles with self-acceptance and succeeding in the trying sport of track and field. During my competitive years as a Division I track and field athlete, I had the pleasure of learning important values from teammates, friends, family, coaches and other influential individuals. After retiring as a Team USA professional track and field athlete, I decided to share those values in one concise story. The process to becoming an author was often difficult with steep learning curves. However, it was an opportunity for self-reflection. In addition, it provided a space where I honed skills that I have as a Creative and as a Marketing professional.

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